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ADHD, this is how you can heal from it!
ADHD is often still seen as something inexplicable and hereditary. However, Gabor Maté, a well-known doctor and author, says that ADHD is...
How do you let go of fear, when it feels so overwhelming?
Fears can get in the way of our dreams and the life we ​​want to live. How can we make sure that anxiety isn't standing in the way anymore?
10 characteristics of emotional manipulation and how to deal with it
In our lives we deal with emotional manipulation more often than you think. You have probably often heard your parents say...
How do I ensure that my New Year resolutions come true?
We all know that the end of the year is approaching and we realize that we are not completely proud of how we have handled everything....
What does emotional trauma mean?
Bij het woord trauma denken we vaak aan iets enorm heftigs dat gebeurt is, echter is dit meestal niet het geval. In deze blog leg ik je...
What is an Anxiety or Panic Attack? And how do I know if I am dealing with this?
Angst is een normale reactie van de mens om zichzelf te beschermen tegen gevaar. Tegenwoordig komt het steeds vaker voor dat we angst al erv
Why do I feel so lonely? Here are 5 reasons why you feel so lonely.
We all have days when we feel so alone and feel like we don't belong anywhere. Even when we are with others we can still feel so alone.
Help! I feel lonely and depressed...
We all sometimes don't feel good about ourselves or sometimes think that life has no meaning. But what if this is every day and we also...
Do you often feel insecure? This is the reason!
We all feel insecure sometimes and that makes us human. But what if we feel insecure every day and it feels like we have this never ends?
Social anxiety, why do I feel so afraid of people?
When we experience social anxiety, we are constantly alert and afraid of people. Social anxiety occurs in varying degrees from mild to...
Spiritual awakening in a toxic society
The choice to awaken spiritually is not that easy. Especially not in Western society, where we constantly have to put ourselves aside.
Yoga Nidra, what can it do for you?
Yoga Nidra, you hear about it more and more often. Unlike most Yoga styles, you do not have to make any physical effort. You simply lie...
Depressive feelings, will I suffer from this all my life?
When we first encounter depression, it hits us like a bomb. Often we don't even know what we are dealing with, as it usually starts in...
The 8 signs you are Spiritually Awakening.
What does spiritual awakening mean? Everyone has their own definition of spiritual awakening. The result of a spiritual awakening will be...
What do the 7 main chakras stand for and how can they help you?
We hear about it more and more, but it always remains vague. Chakras emerge in yoga and sometimes during meditations. But what are...
Emotional trauma, how can I ever be happy again?
Sometimes everything feels so much that it seems impossible to get rid of our traumas. When we sit still for a moment and listen to...
What is an anxiety disorder and how does it arise?
When I suffered from an anxiety disorder for years, I kept asking myself: 'What is wrong with me? Why does this have to happen to me? Why...
How do you manage Burnout and learn to live in a society full of stress?
We live in a society where we are expected to be superheroes. How do we prevent ourselves from burning out? Read it in our newest blog
Narcissism, what exactly does this term mean?
What does Narcissism mean? Are you already a narcissist if you are occasionally selfish or is the line much further? Let me help you out!
What are limiting thoughts and how do you recognize them?
We all want to be healthy, feel good about ourselves and be happy. Limiting thoughts keep us from living the life we ​​so desperately want t
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